Sunday, January 19, 2020

Apple Walnut Squash

4 servings 15 points
You can sub I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, Light for the butter

1/4 c water
2 small acorn squash
1/4 c packed brown sugar
4 T butter, melted
3 T apple juice
1 1/2 t ground cinnamon
1/4 t salt
1 c toasted walnuts

  1. 1. Pour water into SC.
  2. 2. Cut squash in half through the middle. Remove seeds.
  3. 3. Combine brown sugar, butter, apple juice, cinnamon, and salt in bowl.
  4. 4. Spoon mixture into squash. Place in SC side by side.
  5. 5. Cover. Cook on high 3-4 hours, or until squash is tender.
  6. 6. Combine walnuts and chopped apple in bowl. Add spoonfuls to center of each squash half and mix lightly with sauce.

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